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A 2” plastic square pot. Miscellaneous Combination 40 pc
Consist of  40 different plants from several plant species/types available at the time of purchase from our available varieties as shown in the pictures. This combination size has been a very popular size in our items placed on e bay and have sold over  120 items of this size trough out the US including Hawaii, Alaska & Puerto Rico.
This item is popular for any event a buyer has planned or is planning; it can also be a gift for any occasion or just a small project for a personal garden to show to friends.
A Large variety of plants unlike anything you have seen on other websites including E-Bay, Amazon, and even Etsy. We have worked to create a wide variety available to buyers at a better price in shipping than others.
We also have created CUSTOM orders for weddings.

2" Micellaneous Combination 40pc

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